Templates & Checklists
Here you will find free templates and checklists that will help you in your daily work and make your working life easier.
Tested in practice up to management and board level, you can use the templates directly or adapt them to your project needs.
If you have any questions about the templates, take a look at the books, where everything is explained in detail using practical examples.
Free Project Planning and Starting Templates
Coming in English soon
All templates and checklists are explained in detail in my book "Starting a Project: A step-by-step guide for beginners and professionals". You can buy the project management book on Amazon.
PowerPoint Templates Project Preparation
Word Template for SteerCo protocols
Checklists for Project Planning and Starting
Excel Template Risk Management
Free Templates Risk Management in Projects
From February 2023
Coming in English soon
All templates and checklists are explained in detail in my book "Managing Project risks: Project Risk Management Strategies and Techniques". You can find the risk management book on Amazon.
The other MS PowerPoint templates presented in the book are taken from my book "Starting a Project" (see above). There you will find the corresponding MS PowerPoint templates.
Free Templates Innovation Management
Coming in English soon: The template is explained in detail in my book "Generation "Viral": How viral business ideas are created today and you can implement these strategies". You can buy the book on innovation management on Amazon.
The free and freely accessible contents of this website have been created with the greatest possible care. However, we, the provider of this website, do not guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the provided free and freely accessible journalistic guides, templates and news. The use of this website content is at your own risk. Simply by calling up this free and freely accessible content, no contractual relationship of any kind is established between the user and the provider; in this respect, the provider's intention to be legally bound is lacking.
Furthermore, all names used and project contents presented are fictitious and freely invented. Existing associations to real persons, projects and companies are coincidental and not intended.