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"Work smarter, not harder."

Enhance your skills and knowledge with our books. All our books are available on Amazon.

As part of Kindle Unlimited, Kindle members can read them for free.

Our books on project management, consulting and innovation management contain real project examples, templates, use-cases and checklists.

The methods presented are comprehensively explained for professionals and beginners.

Starting a project a step-by-step guide for beginners and professionals
Managing project risks book project risk management strategies and techniques

Coming soon in English
Managing Project Risks:
Project Risk Management Strategies and Techniques

Risikomanagement handbook for project risks

Transform every project into a success by learning how to properly handle project risks.

In today's dynamic environment, projects are no longer simply carried out. Projects must be managed and are quickly under scrutiny by your management. Of course, your project must be delivered on time, in quality and within budget, to meet the expectations of the management. As a project manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that your project meets all these requirements.

Nothing could be easier, if it were not for the management, other colleagues, customers, and suppliers, right?

This book is a step-by-step guide to identifying and mitigating potential risks in project management. It covers essential concepts such as risk assessment, risk mitigation, and effective project risk management techniques. With practical examples from real projects and a step-by-step approach, you will learn how to apply these strategies to your projects.

Target group

Executives, project managers, project staff and consultants.

Starting a project book a step-by-step guide for beginners and professionals

Coming soon in English
Starting a project:
A step-by-step guide for beginners and professionals

Project management guide

Transform every project into a success by learning how to properly plan and start a project like a consultant.


This book is a step-by-step guide to planning and launching successful projects. It covers the essential steps of project management for planning and starting a project with a focus on practical tips for both beginners and experienced professionals.


Whether you are new to project management or looking to improve your skills, this book provides the tools, knowledge, and templates you need to turn your project into a success.

If you are looking for another book on project management, this book is not for you. But if you are stuck in preparing a project or are looking for a comprehensive guide with many expert tips from consulting, this book is yours.


With this book you will learn how consultants plan and start their projects efficiently and effectively by mitigating many project risks.

Target group

Executives, project managers, project staff and consultants.

We did it!
We made it among the Top10 Consulting and project management books on Amazon in Germany! The cover is different, but the content is the same.

Amazon Bewertung Projekte in 9 Schritten vorbereiten, Projektmanagement, Projektplanung, Projektvorbereitung
Amazon Bewertung Projekte in 9 Schritten vorbereiten, Projektmanagement, Projektplanung, Projektvorbereitung
Innovationsmanagement für Anfänger, Innovation, Virale Ideen, virale Geschäftsideen, Frederick King

Coming soon in English
Generation "Viral":
Das Handbuch für Unternehmer, wie virale Geschäftsideen heute entstehen und Du diese Strategien umsetzen kannst

Business ideas and innovations

The inspiring handbook for entrepreneurs, startups, and visionaries who want to increase the awareness of their business ideas and innovations and even go viral.

Paradigm shift

Generation "Viral" offers a comprehensive insight into the relevant levers why business ideas and innovations become known. Find out for yourself which levers you need to consider in order to outpace your competition.

For visionaries and practitioners

Generation "Viral" is indispensable for anyone who wants to plan their idea on more than just paper. The book is therefore aimed at anyone who wants to break new ground in making their ideas known and shaping the future of your business.

We live in an age of information overload. New business ideas and innovations flood the market every day, while we don't (can't) even notice their advertising. Generation "Viral" shows you which levers are relevant to make your idea stand out from the crowd. It's much easier to go viral if you know the relevant levers and can apply them.

Target group

Project managers and employees for innovation topics,
Entrepreneurs, startups and product owners.

Innovationsmanagement für Anfänger, Innovation, Virale Ideen, virale Geschäftsideen, Frederick King

Coming soon in English
Viral Hacks:
Wie Du dein Unternehmen und Produkt mit 36 Tipps, Tricks und Hacks bekannter und erfolgreicher machst

Companies and products

The inspirational playbook for entrepreneurs, startups, and growth hackers who want to sustainably increase awareness of their company and products and even go viral.

Paradigm shift

Today, customers find the products and solutions they need. A product no longer needs to find a buyer and traditional distribution is often no longer needed. Find out for yourself what you need to consider in order to inspire your customers and draw their attention to you.

For entrepreneurs and marketers

Viral Hacks is indispensable for anyone who wants comprehensive insights into the endless possibilities. The book is therefore aimed at anyone who wants to improve their customer experience, be found more easily via social media and thus shape the future of their business.

We live in an age of information overload. New companies and products flood the market every day, while we don't (can't) even notice their advertising.

Viral Hacks will show you, what organic ideas will make you stand out from the crowd. It's much easier to go viral if you know and can apply the relevant tricks.

Target audience

Project managers and employees for innovation topics and in marketing, entrepreneurs and startups.

Check out our free templates and checklists

Kostenlose Vorlagen und Templates  für MS PowerPoint, Projektmanagement, Frederick King, Projektvorbereitung, Projektplanung
Kostenlose Vorlagen und Templates  für MS PowerPoint, Projektmanagement, Frederick King, Projektvorbereitung, Projektplanung
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